The 5 Best Foods for Healthy Skin

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Healthy skin and diet go hand-in-hand. By simply adding these foods to your diet, your skin will improve dramatically.

Here are the 5 best foods for healthy skin.

Green Tea

Green tea contains an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which fights damage from UV rays and helps prevent skin cancer. The catechin also reduces redness, swelling, and irritation and is known to improve moisture and elasticity on the skin.

Green Tea


Fatty Fish

You’ve probably heard this one a lot but eating fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel can help boost your skin’s appearance. Omega 3 fatty acids help assist in maintaining your skin’s thickness, and it also helps it keep it moisturized.

It’s also known that by incorporating Omega-3 fats into your diet will reduce redness and acne, and may even fight inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Omega 3 fatty acids from fish are also a source of vitamin E which protects your skin against damage from radicals and inflammation.

Fatty Fish

Brazil Nuts

Incorporating any nuts in your diet will make your skin healthy; however, brazil nuts specifically include selenium in them – a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and enhances immunity. The antioxidant has been linked to preventing cardiovascular disease, thyroid problems, and certain cancers as well.


Carrots contain a high level of beta-carotene; in other words, it’s how carrots are so orange. Beta-carotene is an agent of Vitamin A, and because of this, it’s also the main ingredient in Retin-A.

This vitamin has been found to decrease the skin’s oil level, and it has also been known to improve psoriasis.


More specifically, yellow and green peppers as they’re known to have carotenoids in them – an antioxidant that helps decrease sun sensitivity, wrinkles and diminishes the appearance of crow’s feet. It is one of the best foods for healthy skin.

Red Peppers

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Written by Neha Lobana

Neha Lobana is a freelance writer and former journalist in Toronto who recently made the switch to pursue a career in corporate affairs and communications. During her spare time you can find her reading, hiking or exploring new places.

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